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Kyle Richards Opens Up About Her Weight Struggles

In a recent interview, Kyle Richards is opening up about her weight struggle. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kyle Richards admitted that it doesn't always come easy when it comes to maintaining her fit figure.

"I'm not someone who can eat whatever," she told People. "I've always battled my weight. I'm much curvier than my sisters. It's always been my Achilles heel. The struggle is real!"

She added she's always had to "eat way less than everybody else and work out way more just to maintain" her figure.

Now, Kyle has found a way to stay healthy—and she's taking the matter into her own hands. She's an investor in a line of organic, non-GMO, low-calorie frozen meals called Artisan Bistro. "It's something that I can really stand behind," she said. "I'd always eat those frozen diet dinners, and I couldn't pronounce the ingredients!"

And for fans who don't believe she really dines on frozen meals, she has a message for you. "I posted a picture on social media and someone said, 'Oh please, a Real Housewife eats frozen foods?'" she said. "I 100 percent do! I was doing it before it was healthy!"

Last year, Kyle revealed another secret to how she looks so fabulous. She shared that she eats "almost no sugar." "I'm only 5-foot-2, with big boobs and a butt, so it shows!" she said. "I feel confident about my body now. I don't hide behind a towel in a bathing suit."

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo