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Cynthia Bailey Doesn't Regret Telling Phaedra Parks About The ‘Mr. Chocolate’ Rumor; Says She Was Surprised By Her Reaction!

In a recent interview with Bravo, Cynthia Bailey talks about last week's episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Cynthia Bailey explains why she wanted to let Phaedra Parks know what her husband had said about Chocolate. Check it out below! Were you surprised by Kenya's emotional reaction to the Chocolate accusations? 
Cynthia Bailey: Of course I was not surprised. I think she responded the way anyone would after having their character publicly assassinated for two years over similar accusations. Had Phaedra marked my life by broadcasting a worldwide whore campaign with no real facts (at least not from a credible source) without an apology (even after her clean man came clean), I would have been quite emotional as well. I passed this information along to Kenya, because I was naturally sympathetic to the hurt and pain she must have gone through as a result of these vicious claims. I thought that is was only fair that Kenya knew her accuser's character was now being called into question. Ironically by the same source. What was going through your mind when Kenya confronted Phaedra?
CB: Kenya didn't confront Phaedra. She sat there quietly until Phaedra brought her name up in the conversation. Did Phaedra's reaction shock you?
CB: Yes it was very shocking to watch her stand up and lift her purse in a threatening way. Had the shoe been on the other foot (or in this case the purse in the other hand), Team Double Standard would have claimed that Phaedra was provoked, attacked, and of course let's not forget blindsided. Why did you feel the need to tell Phaedra what her husband told Peter?
CB: If Peter told Apollo that I was cheating on him (and Apollo told Phaedra), I would want to know. Although we are not besties, I would still want to know. Being privy to this sensitive and uncomfortable information was reflected in my delivery. My intentions were to make Phaedra aware of what her husband told Peter, and it was not done with any judgment or malice. It has been pretty clear from Phaedra's own mouth that she is over Apollo. Therefore, I do not regret telling her amongst our friends (that's how we typically share information) and was actually surprised by her reaction. Is this the same lady that told Kandi that she would light up her husband with a 357 and use her own services to embalm him?

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The Real Housewives of Atlanta airs Sunday nights at 8/7c only on Bravo

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo