Real Housewives of Cheshire star Ampika Pickston has revealed she has been plagued by a stalker since appearing on the ITVBe reality show. The glamorous salon owner reveals she's been enjoying the attention from viewers – until one fan became a bit too enamored with her.
The single mother of an eight-year-old was forced to call police when her admirer bombarded her salon, Opium, in Altrincham, with calls and letters.
“In one sense it’s quite flattering but there’s the other side of not knowing how far people might take things,” Pickston tells Manchester Evening News.
“I’d get numerous phone calls and I had letters, all nice and nothing threatening, but you wonder where people draw the line with fascination and becoming obsessed with someone, does that lie there or does that escalate – and I don’t know.”
“My staff started to get very scared and frightened because we used to get a lot of calls after the salon closed. Luckily, I have 24-hour security at my business and my home now. It’s costly but I’m happy to go the extra step to know that we’re protected at all times.”
“I’m very conscious now because I have got a son and he’s my priority,” she continued. “I don’t want anything to affect him in a negative way because I’m doing the show for us and for my business.”
Ampika’s salon has never been busier since the ITVBe series started, making several appearances including one on Monday, which will feature its first anniversary celebrations.
“The feedback from customers has been really supportive and lovely,” said Ampika.
“It’s nice that people are so interested. At the end of the day, we’re part of a huge, international and very, very successful brand on Real Housewives but I was still really worried would people buy into us, from Cheshire? So I’m absolutely over the moon with all the positive comments I’ve had.”
Ampika admitted she’s still getting used to the fame the show has brought her.
“It’s been a whirlwind. It changes your life so much, putting yourself out there and being very honest and open about who you are,” she said.
Photo Credit: ITVBe
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