"Watching Lisa R. getting ready for her birthday makes me smile. Her daughter giving her tips is very familiar to me. My girls hang out in my room while I get ready and give me style advice. When I don't listen and they question why, I have to explain that while I love their advice, I'm not 14 years old, and I have to fine tune the advice to make it age appropriate. They still don't get the "pointy witch shoes" that are so popular amongst my friends and me.
I love seeing Gigi's career take off. I know how excited and proud Yolanda is. Gigi is such a young girl to have such a busy life. She has a good head on her shoulders, due to her parents' love and guidance. Bella is another beauty who I have no doubt will have her own exciting career.
At this point, Yolanda and I are counting down the days until Bella and Alexia leave for college. A bittersweet time.
Lisa R.'s birthday was a fun night at PUMP. I love dinners where we all sit around and share stories. I shared the story of how I met Mauricio and was engaged at the time. I was having doubts about getting married and told my fiancé at the time. I decided to not send out the invitations, which didn't go over well. I didn't want to make a mistake and knew in my heart I would be.
When I met Mauricio, there was an immediate attraction. Like nobody else was in the room. After I told him I was engaged that night, I didn't see him again until six months later when I ran into him at a club. I had broken up with my fiancé by that point, and we picked up where we left off six months earlier. We have been together ever since.
Have to give Brandi props for the timer idea while talking to her lawyer. I haven't had to deal with many lawyers, but the couple times I did, I wish I would have thought about that!
Taking the girls shopping is a fun daddy/daughter time for Mauricio. Portia, like most kids, will try to test us at times. She has her moments where I have to keep her in check. I am always the disciplinarian with our kids. She's at that age where she likes to see how far she can push us and what she can get away with. I've seen it with all our girls around this age, and it can be challenging. Mauricio usually makes it more challenging. I will say no while he says yes. I am constantly asking him to not undermine me. It's unavoidable that these moments will happen with little ones, but how it's handled is very important. You have to nip it in the bud.
My niece Brooke getting married is an exciting time for our family. She's the first of our kids to be walking down the aisle. And Kim will be the first Mother of the Bride. Looking for dresses was fun with all my sisters and a bunch of our kids in tow. Our children (there are 12 between us) are extremely close. More like siblings than cousins. Everyone knows everything that's going on with each other at any given time, so it seemed appropriate that we would all weigh in on which was the best dress for Brooke.
I knew that day Kim and Brooke were to be getting news about Monty's health. My heart broke for Kim and Brooke. Monty has always remained close with our family, and to see what he is going through is heartbreaking. This should be the happiest time of Brooke's life, and I know she is constantly worried about her father.
Eileen is finally here! Loved the flashback of Eileen and Lisa R.. Too funny. I think you will enjoy getting to know both Lisa and Eileen.
Brandi invited me to go on a hike with her. At this point we are becoming friends. Not close, but at least getting to know each other. When Brandi said she was going to call Lisa V. right then and there, I didn't think it would go over well . Plus, I didn't think she was going about it the right way, and I didn't want to be there when she called her. However, she was set on calling, so I decided to just stay quiet. When her battery died, I hesitated to offer my phone. Lisa V. and I had just recently had our lunch and were working on our friendship. I didn't want to be a part of Lisa V.'s and Brandi's issues. However, I thought Lisa would think Brandi hung up on her, and I knew that would be another setback for them. Lisa isn't going to forgive Brandi overnight. And an invite to her housewarming isn't the answer."
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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Monday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo