"I'm sorry my blog is a little late but I was on a little cowgirl retreat; check out my Instagram for some beautiful zen pics! I may be labeled as a Jersey girl, but it's the country and natural settings that make my heart swell. With that said, you can only imagine that this Florida trip and how it's looking is not my ideal getaway!
Watching this week's show really made me cry...I miss Luke so much, he left early in the season, so I think that's why I look stressed and tired a lot too! Luke was like my personal jester, no matter what was going on he could always make me laugh. He is truly a son to me and a brother to Lexi and I am hoping he finds what he is looking for back home. If nothing else I'm sure his mom is so happy to have her little boy back on her side of the pond, and like I said, my door will always be open to him (and any other stray that needs a home)!
How much do you love Gia? She is such a beautiful kid inside and out. Like Teresa says, it's moments like that when you know you've been a good mother. Kids like that just don't happen, some of it is luck but MOST of it is good parenting. I know I'm not perfect, but when I look at my daughter I know I can't be that bad to have raised such a good person in this crazy world we live in. I think after watching Lexi you will all agree with me too. Some of the kids you've seen on TV make you just cringe, don't they? Side note: Have you checked out Lexi's fashion blog bohochicken.com? It's so cute!
Dinner at TerEsa's was lovely, it was so nice to meet Santa, Giovanni, and their niece. Rino was very sweet to cook in between visits to the bathroom. I hope he washed his hands! Kidding...the food was great and at this point I'm really starting to enjoy the twins' company. We had spent more time together than you get to see and they are really growing on me. I like their family values and their positive outlook on life.
Giovanni is a doll. I won't say he and Lex would make a cute couple, because Lexi's boyfriend whom I adore would kill me, but I will say I wouldn't be upset if Lexi wound up with fiercely loyal in laws like TerEsa and Rino and married to a sweet kid like Giovanni. It certainly looks like if you mess with their family, you have a problem on your hands. I dig that. But NOTHING would make me happier than to know that Lexi may have kids with a beautiful colon just like their Grandpa. (Wink wink.)
I've said it once and I'll say it a million times, I am that friend that is silently there for you, but WHEN and IF you want to talk about anything, I'm here for you in a heartbeat. I don't pry and I never will. It's just not my style. I've realized in life most people like to hear of others' misfortune and 90% of the time they're asking about your business because they're nosy, and just need ammo for the gossip train. I've seen it so many times, it's sad but true. That's why my circle is small but it's TIGHT!
Well I'm not looking forward to the weeks that come, they were stressful and chaotic, but I'm still standing! I'm a tough cookie and nothing or no one can take me down EVER. Change is hard, trust me, but it doesn't have to be. Check out this video I made for you about change and how to deal with it in a healthy way: http://bit.ly/1BlCmzQ. I'm also announcing our vision board winner on my after party on dinamanzo.com. The lucky winner gets a pair of Ladybug slippers, whoop whoop! I was so inspired by all of your boards and I can't wait to see all of your dreams come true!
BTW I see all of your supporting tweets and kind words on all of my social sites. You Jersey fans are FIERCE and I adore you. I appreciate your support more than you realize. If you're not in on the fun, follow me now so we can chat some more. Sending you all a ton of LOVE! Dina xoxo"
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The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Sunday nights at 8/7c only on Bravo
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo