"Amazing that the season is over! It has been a whirlwind to say the least!
And so it begins again. . .Tamra making up more things about me and pulling Heather in. When I first met Tamra, she continually complained about her relationship with Heather. I never suggested that Tamra stay away from Heather, that Heather was evil, or that Heather was a horrible person. I did say that I saw black in Heather's eyes on the day that she kicked me out of her house. My continual suggestion to Tamra was that she should tell Heather how she felt and communicate with her. You can actually see me tell her that early on at Vicki's Fakes-Giving dinner. I never said that Tamra didn't want Heather in her wedding. Tamra said to me that their friendship wasn't real.
Heather says that she "went to the source" and asked Tamra whether certain unkind things were said about her. I did that too. I asked Tamra whether she told Heather about David's email and she denied it. I asked Tamra to confirm what she told me numerous times that Terry wanted to "take the Beadors down," and she denied it. Going to the source has been of no benefit to me, and in fact, has given me false information. If Heather thinks that Tamra is going to be truthful to her, then that is her choice. I think Heather is smarter than that.
As far as my friendship with Vicki, most of the times when Tamra's name comes up, she tells me that Tamra came between her relationship with Brianna. I have been hurt by Tamra and Vicki has been hurt by Tamra. When I am close friends with anyone, I don't want to see them get hurt. I have and will continue to tell Vicki to proceed with caution in any friendship with Tamra.
Heather's version of my interaction with Vicki is once again exaggerated. It almost appears that Tamra and Heather's conversation had been thought out ahead of time. I do not split up friendships. In fact, I always encourage people to talk it out. Both women know what the truth is and I know what the truth is. I have continually been honest and take responsibility for things I have and haven't said.
On our last night in Bali, I was informed that David made the inappropriate comment for Heather to "spread her legs" when she was getting on the bull at her hoedown three months earlier. I was surprised to hear that he would say such a thing, but I knew he consumed many drinks that day. Although I was confused why Terry had not brought up the topic when we had seen him months earlier, I let David know as soon as I returned home for our trip. He told me that Heather was wearing a dress and got on the bull side saddle. That is when he yelled, "Spread your legs!" In his tequila mind, he thought it was funny. If I were Heather and my guests had been drinking all day, I would have laughed at that comment and moved on. . . But that is the difference between us.
Vicki's house looked amazing for her Bali dinner party! She knows how to do it up! I was so impressed with David that he walked right up to Terry and Heather as soon as we arrived to make his apology. I don't know if anyone noticed, but when David stepped forward to give Heather a kiss on the cheek, she stepped away. We should have seen that as a sign that things would once again not sit well with the Dubrows.
David's apology was sincere. We both thought it was strange that we were hearing about how Terry was so upset months after the fact, but David was willing to take responsibility and ask for forgiveness for his statement. He even did it in front of others which I thought was so admirable. True to form, the apology was not good enough for the Dubrows and was coined "bullsh--."
I said my peace to Tamra in Bali. I asked her for an explanation for her character assassinations of me and she gave none. I don't expect to ever get one. I am ready to move on. But yet she seemed to goad everyone on at the end of dinner. I let her know my disappointment with her betrayal and she seemed surprised I said it. Really?And then to the most mind-blowing portion of the night. David attempted to remind Tamra about how she instigated the argument between he and Terry on the night of Lizzie's party with the whole "take down the Beadors" comment. Terry jumped in and said that wasn't what he was upset about at Lizzie's party -- he was really upset about David's spread your legs comment. What?
Then why didn't we hear about it at Lizzie's party? Why didn't he "go to the source" months earlier? And even more so, why was there no anger towards Eddie with his comment "Show us how you ride Terry"? Aren't they equally offensive?
My husband started his company on his own and works very hard. He has multiple degrees. The fact that Terry called him stupid and insulted him as a construction worker is unacceptable. I also can honestly say that I have heard many things in my life, but I have never heard one man call another a "penis." He also called David a "douchebag."
I truly thought Heather and I were on a path to potential friendship, and I was completely shocked at she and Terry's air of superiority at the dinner table. To say words and then insinuate that we would have to look them up is truly offensive. And by the way, a thesaurus is used for synonyms. What we would actually need to look up the big words Heather and Terry used would be a dictionary.
I have developed what I know will be a lifelong friendship with Vicki. Since Bali, I have become quite close to Lizzie. Today, my family and my marriage are the most important things to me. The pot stirring and arguing that some of these women are doing is ridiculous. I have no time or need for it. I can forgive, but I will never forget. With time, you never know what will happen, but for now my husband and I are keeping our distance from Tamra and Dubrows.
Stay tuned for the reunion next week!"
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The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Monday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo