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Dana Wilkey Indicted On Federal Fraud Charges

It has been reported that former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Dana Wilkey has been indicted on federal fraud charges. According to Reality Tea, Wilkey was charged with six counts of wire fraud, aiding and abetting, and one count wire fraud conspiracy in connection to a fraudulent Blue Shield health insurance kickback scheme.

According to the Irish Times, Wilkey and two Blue Shield employees, Skylar and Lissa Phoenix, entered into a "fraudulent marketing contract" between Blue Shield and Adwil Agency, which "included the regular payment of undisclosed kickbacks from Dana to Skylar Phoenix, Lissa Phoenix, and Rodeo Pink, a shell corporation held by and for the benefit of Skylar Phoenix."

The indictment reveals that "between in or about February 2006 through at least February 2012, Dana Wilkey, through Adwil Agency accounts, paid directly to Lissa Phoenix and Rodeo Pink, approximately 87 checks totaling approximately $360,000 in illegal and undisclosed kickbacks."

I guess Dana needs to trade in those $25,000 sunglasses to be able to get out of this one, what are your thoughts?

Photo Credit: OK Magazine