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Ramona Singer Weighs In On Heather And Kristen's 'Bossy' Fight

Ramona Singer is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. Ramona admits that she did have fun in Montana and explains why she helped out with the "hostessing." Ramona also weighs in on bossy fight between Heather and Kristen. Ramona writes:

"There was no way I would leave this trip early by calling in a private plane. I know I would never be able to live it down with the ladies. Since I had no choice but to stay, I decided to make most of it. I decided I would treat the women, including Kristen, to cold drinks and snacks. I have always loved entertaining and making people feel comfortable (even though I know it's hard for you viewers to believe this LOL!). I knew the ladies would need refreshments, so I decided to put out a pretty spread.

The glamping tents were luxurious and quite stunning. I was looking forward to a wonderful meal in a beautiful setting. I realized it would be cold and got our butler to get heaters for our dinner outside. I even asked if he had wines ready to go and what variety so they would be ready as soon as the ladies showed up. These are some things a hostess would normally do -- and since Kristen wasn't having the best day I decided to take on the role.  I never would have mentioned what I was doing for the dinner, but Kristen was saying how she was being a great hostess and my mouth got the best of me!

I thought Heather was very funny when drunk. Her best line was, "I have a solid buzz that I plan to continue."

Poor Kristen is no match for Heather. I felt bad for her when she left the table. Kristen was trying her best, and sadly her efforts were not really appreciated. I felt terrible that she left the table and felt compelled to calm her down and bring her back to the group.

The rodeo was so much fun. We all really enjoyed it, especially me!

Our last dinner with the activities was directed by the tallest cowboy I have ever seen. I came up to his navel!

Throwing the hatchet was scary and intimidating. It reminded me of the movie The Shining or a horror film.

I could not take it that Heather and Kristen still had not made up. They were always friends and this was just getting silly and out-of-hand. I decided to get them together, and I am so glad I did.

I must say all-and-all, even though I complained a lot, I did really enjoy the trip and it was stunning scenery.  We had lots of fun and did many different things. Just don't ask me to go every year."

What do you think about Ramona's blog?

The Real Housewives of New York City airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo!

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo