"I hope everyone is having a great summer! I just attended the wedding of one of my best friend's in Boca Raton, and now I am in Kentucky spending time with my family and recuperating from work and travel. It's been a crazy past few weeks for me and I am enjoying a little break.
Tonight you see Christian and I at home with the boys, my birthday party, the Dubrows' Valentine's Party, and shopping with Danielle. A lot happens, so let's jump right in shall we?
I was really excited about my birthday and was really looking forward to a drama-free, fun night with the ladies. You see Christian and I at home discussing the birthday the night before. I knew Shannon had been sick and we had talked a few times leading up to the night of the birthday, so I had a hunch she wouldn't be able to attend. Heather was going to be in Vegas at the Britney Spears concert for her birthday, so I knew she wasn't going to be making the party either. On the day of my party, Danielle called me to tell me she would be late and just meet us in LA because there was an emergency at Joe's work. I had not heard anything from Vicki or Tamra, so I assumed all was good with them.
My birthday has been somewhat of a sensitive subject in past years. My husband has a habit of not going out of his way to plan anything special. I was pregnant on my 30th and 32nd birthdays, and I usually plan my own birthdays. (I know, how sad is that?) Anyway, I was really excited about this birthday. What you saw was my real birthday -- there was not another party before or after this. I guess you could say that Christian and I were pretty naive and assumed that this would be a really fun night.
In the limo bus I was hopeful that the night would turn out really fun. I had no idea it would end as badly as it did. I talked to Shannon in the limo bus and she was still sick. I wasn't super surprised she couldn't make it. I talked to Danielle and she reminded me she had to meet up with us later in the night. Still, I had not heard from Tamra or Vicki. I was starting to get nervous that no one was going to show up. I decided to call Tamra and see where she was. To my surprise, she couldn't come either because Sophia was sick. I was bummed! I wished she would had called or texted me sooner. She told me Sophia woke up at 7 am with a fever. She had all day to give me a heads up. But oh well! I'm going to try and not let it ruin the night.
So, now where are Vicki and Brooks? Vicki and I have had a rough start, and I am guessing she probably isn't going to make it either. Low and behold, I hear her arrive! Yay! I hear her outside of the limo bus either on the phone or talking to Brooks, saying that she doesn't want to hang out with "dumb and dumber." What I am guessing is she heard that she was going to be the only one at the party besides Danielle, hence we are "dumb and dumber." Happy Birthday to me indeed!
I started off the night feeling really special -- and the happy meter was beginning to dwindle. But, you know what? I am not going to even mention that I heard Vicki call me "dumb and dumber." She IS the only one that showed up. Why start drama at the beginning of the night? It's my birthday, and I am determined to make the best of the night. Vicki hasn't really given me a shot yet, and maybe this is the night our friendship goes to the next level.
One of the first things that Vicki told me in the limo is that Tamra could be at my party if she really wanted to and that she didn't want to come. Ouch! I really thought Tamra was my friend. I took a class with Tamra at her gym. We had lunch together. I went rock climbing with her. I also invited her to go to the Kentucky Derby with me. We texted each other and talked quite a bit. Christian really likes Eddie and they were friendly as well. To hear that Tamra just didn't want to come from someone that has known her for years and is her really good friend was like "wow" to me. I really took it with a grain of salt though, and was not mad at Tamra. I just wish that I knew no one wanted to come to my birthday so I could have planned something else -- or just had a romantic night out with my husband. My feelings were hurt, and I was really disappointed.
The night goes on and I find myself having a lot of fun with Vicki and Brooks. Christian and I both like Brooks a lot and Vicki seems so happy and carefree when she is with him. So, although this was not the birthday that I intended to have, I did have a good time with Vicki and Brooks. Vicki is the fun bus, and I did have fun whooping it up with them.
However, Tamra comes up again in conversation. This time Vicki is warning me about Tamra. I have to be honest, this was not the first time that I have been warned about Tamra. I have been warned quite a bit. Why? Is Tamra not a good friend? With all of the drama that has unfolded around Shannon, etc., I would be a fool not to see the red flags. I am a pretty sensitive person and, truthfully, I was on the verge of tears for most of the night. At the end of the night, I lost it. More on that later. . .
Later, you see Danielle and I luggage shopping to prepare for our trip to Bali. Before we were shopping, Danielle and I discussed the dumb and dumber comment -- and more things we heard about the ladies trying to get out of my party. Excuse me for not thinking that was funny and for having my feelings hurt. Do any of these women like me at all? What had I done to any of them? So, the snarky remarks came from how I was feeling. I was annoyed with Vicki, but she was the only one that showed up so maybe she felt different about me after the party than before. Vicki and I are great now, but man was it a bumpy start.
On to the Dubrows' Valentines party. I had not planned on bringing up my birthday when I saw Tamra. However, as most of you know, I can be pretty direct, and in the moment I thought it foolish to continue the night with the elephant in the room. I'm not sure why Heather was so astonished I brought it up at the beginning of the night. I was not mad at Tamra, I just told her my feelings were hurt. I wanted to be honest with her about how I felt. I had a knot in my stomach when I saw Tamra, and it just came out! If Tamra was my friend, she would have called me the next day to see how my party went.
I had a lot of fun at the Valentine's party. We all had a good time and a lot of laughs. I think it's funny to see Tamra talking to Heather about me "being pissed" at her. I wasn't mad at her at all. Why does she take someone being forthright with their feelings as being angry?
At the end of the night I brought up my birthday again to Tamra. I said, "Why didn't you just tell me earlier you weren't going to be there?" I was so embarrassed that night. It would have saved me so much humiliation. I suppose I wanted some type of acknowledgement for my feelings, considering how she failed to have the proper manners to let me know beforehand she wouldn't be at the party, and how I found out she is talking about me behind my back and making fun of me. Notice how even at the beginning of the night she was on the defense. The whole debacle would have been over with a long time ago if she had simply apologized."
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Source/Photo Credit: Bravo