"Tonight you meet our chef, Nelse. He is absolutely fabulous and we are very grateful to have him in our lives and in our kitchen!!!! I love food and cooking equipment and eating, however actual cooking? Not so much! It's so amazing that I can now enjoy dinner with my family instead of sweating the meal. A HUGE luxury for sure and we are very thankful. I'm sure many people will judge this and say I have a huge staff... Well, too bad! I do have support, and it allows me the freedom to work AND spend time with my kids AND not stress about any of it. Could I do it myself if I had to? Yes (and I did for many years)! But luckily I don't have to -- so don't hate!
Hawaii Five-0: Terry thought it would be fun to have the family sit down and watch my appearance on Hawaii Five-0 together. I actually rarely watch myself on TV, because it makes me feel self-conscious. The kids got a big kick out of watching my "action" scenes, and although I clearly won't be starring in Salt 2, it was a really fun experience.
Shannon: Shannon's recounting of what took place at my house gets larger and more dramatic each time she tells the story. I didn't say "Zip it" or "Get out of my house." I didn't call her an "alcoholic" and it wasn't a "bloodbath." I don't blame her for this, as we all know I have a bit of a dramatic flare myself (maybe an understatement!) and apparently that's how it felt to her. I said, "We're done, please leave," because the conversation was going in circles and I could hear my kids in the next room and didn't think it was appropriate to continue. Shannon doesn't appear mad at Tamra for telling people about the email. She seems to get a pass, but it feels like I'm getting the blame.
Lizzie: Love her! I think she just needs to remind herself that she already HAS it all! It's hard to remember to compartmentalize when you feel overwhelmed. Potty training is hard, and kids have their own timelines sometimes. Don't worry, Lizzy, Preston won't be at college in Pull-Ups... Well maybe he will be, but it will be because he's pledging a fraternity. (HAHA!)"
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The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Monday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo