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Dina Manzo: This Season There Will Be MANY Surprising Twists And Turns!

Dina Manzo is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on the season premiere episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Dina opens up about her return, her separation with her husband, Tommy Manzo and her friendship with Teresa Giudice. Dina also explains why Amber may need a lesson in party planning and more. Dina writes:

"The bitch is back! By the way, by BITCH I mean beautiful, intelligent, talented, compassionate hottie! (Thank you Beth Tiger.) It feels good to be back, although I feel like I never left really! I just want to take a moment to thank all of the peeps that have followed me for all the years I took a break from Bravo. I really enjoyed my time on HGTV with Dina's Party and I appreciate all the Bravo fans that came along on that journey with me. I have to say I am proud to have such loyal, supportive, AWESOME fans. (I still can't get used to that word after all these years!) I like to call you friends I haven't met yet! Although I have been invited back in years past, for many reasons this time my gut told me to go for it, so here I am.

Now let's dive right in! My heart hurts to see my girlfriend go through such a difficult time in her life. I truly adore Teresa and her entire family, the girls are so special to me, especially my little Audriana and Gia. I have known Teresa since we were 20 years old -- there is so much history there and our relationship goes beyond friendship. It felt good to be by her side this season -- you will see we don't always agree on everything, but real friends can handle that! My condolences of course go out to the entire Giudice family, the loss of Franco is beyond devastating. The only good that can come out of the death of a family member is knowing you now have an angel by your side at every moment of every day.

My current status with my husband is completely heart breaking. Tommy was the love of my life and I am still going through all the emotions that come with a separation. You have to understand I have known this man since I was 9 years old. There are so many layers to the pain, and I'm doing the best I can. One thing is for sure, we will always love each other and will remain in each other's lives forever. He is not Lexi's biological dad, but he has helped me raise her since she was 4 years old. There is a bond there that can't be broken, and I am determined to divorce with dignity and grace.

This season you will see I have officially come out of the "spiritual closet," and I will be sharing some of my rituals and practices that help me remain grounded and calm in the middle of the chaos that is called life. For now you can find a lot of what I do on my website Click around the blogs, you never know what you will find to help you along your way!

I'm thrilled to see Melissa and Teresa in a healthy place. Melissa has always been supportive of my charity, Project Ladybug (, so I didn't want to come into this with ill feelings toward her. There were times this season when the three of us felt like a fierce team ready to take on the new girls, but as it turns out new friendships were formed. You'll have to stay tuned to see how that all plays out, but I can tell you there will be MANY surprising twists and turns. You will be on the edge of your seat for sure!

Amber's party was interesting to say the least. I actually thought it was a "holiday" party, hence my huge red earrings, the big green bow on the back of my dress, and the holiday amaryllis I walked in with! Little did I know it was a fall harvest party with a pig cadaver lurking somewhere in the kitchen. I do have to say that Amber may need to take my online party planning course ( Arrival sets the tone for your event! I almost killed myself on the way in (never mind my Gucci's that STILL have water marks on them)!

About that "everyone between children and old people" asshole comment I made to Nicole...I'm kind of sticking to it! LOL! I'm a sensitive pisces, I can't help to be drawn to the innocence of a child and the wisdom of an elder. I guess I've been burned a lot, and I am extremely cautious of who I let into my world these days. It's more about setting boundaries and protecting your soul. I explain more of that on where I'll be having a weekly "after party" to break down each episode from what I wore to the spiritual meanings behind a lot of my sassy comments. I have an amazing team that will be vlogging and blogging along with me, so be sure to check it out, you wont be sorry!"

What do you think about Dina’s blog?

The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Sunday nights at 8/7c only on Bravo!

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo