Rumors have been circulating that Shiva Safai may join the upcoming fifth season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. A few weeks ago Radar Online reported that cast members Yolanda Foster and Lisa Vanderpump are
trying to get Safai to join "RHOBH" full time for Season 5.
Safai is the fiancee of real estate mogul Mohamed Hadid, who is Foster's
ex-husband and Lisa Vanderpump's close friend. Too Fab recently caught up with Shiva ans asked her if these rumors were true, check out what she had to say below!
When asked if it was true that she may joining the fifth season of RHOBH, Shiva responds: "I know as much as you do, I don't know anything" says Shiva. "It would be interesting, it would be a fun adventure, but we'll see what happens" she continues.
Check out the full interview below!
Would you like to see Shiva Safai join the next season of RHOBH? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below!
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Monday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo!
Photo Credit: Shiva Safari / Video CreditL Too Fab
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