The Real Housewives of Australia is the first Australian installment in the Real Housewives franchise, the show will follow the luxurious lifestyles of the six Australian beauties who decided to join The Real Housewives family, which they are Andrea Moss (Doctor's wife and Businesswoman), Jackie Gillies (Psychic and Rock Star's wife), Lydia Schiavello (Housewife and Fashionista), Chyka Keebaugh (Socialite and Event Party Planner), Gina Liano (Barrister) and Janet Roach (Property Developer and Divorcee). To know more about the wives CLICK HERE! This first season will consist of 10 episodes only, wonder if this includes the reunion or not, guess we will have to wait and see!
Follow the official Real Housewives of Melbourne Twitter and Facebook pages for all the latest news!
Follow The Real Housewives of Melbourne stars on Twitter:
- Andrea Moss Follow @MrsAndreaMoss
- Gina Liano Follow @Gina_Liano
- Jackie Gillies Follow @JackieGilliesTV
- Lydia Schiavello Follow @LydiaSchiavello
- Chyka Keebaugh Follow @Chykak
- Janet Roach N/A
Watch the latest promo HERE!
To read everything regarding #RHOMelbourne CLICK HERE! Are you ready for The Real Housewives of Melbourne? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below!
To read everything regarding #RHOMelbourne CLICK HERE! Are you ready for The Real Housewives of Melbourne? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below!
Photos Credit: Foxtel/Arena TV