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Recap: RHOBH Season 4 - Episode 12: Tough Break

This week on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Brandi heads to her hometown in Sacramento along with Yolanda, Brandi makes an effort to make up with her father, but will they make up? Plus all the wives all take a self defense class and more. Read our recap below

Carlton is planning her annual pool party and since she loves beautiful women she wants to hire beautiful female dances dance all over her party. With the help of her friends they audition female dances to see who can work the pole better, they soon realize that some of the ladies don't quite know how to work the pole, but thankfully someone saves the day and impresses Carlton and gets hired on the spot.

Lisa goes over Brandi's house to help her pack for her book reading event which will be in Sacramento, her hometown. Lisa is sad that she is not going but Brandi tells her that Yolanda is coming along and everything is going to be good. Brandi says in her interview that she doesn't want Lisa to go because her sophistication may intimidate her father. She prefers Yolanda to go because according to Brandi, Yolanda doesn't show off her wealth and is more humble and feels like her dad will feel more comfortable with her. Brandi opens up to Lisa about the current issues with her and her dad. We learn that her dad is mad at her and has not talked to her for a few months now because Brandi exaggerated in her book that her father was a drug dealer when in reality he was a hippie and all he did was just plant some weed to smoke it, just like Lydia's mom from RHOC. Lisa tells Brandi that her dad has a reason to be mad.

Lisa then tells Brandi that she needs to learn how to pack correctly and Brandi quickly gets annoyed and tells her that she doesn't like the fact that she is mothering her and quickly breaks down. Brandi is going through a lot, she got her kids a dog named Buddy to replace her missing dog Chica. She hates the fact can't connect to the new dog because all she can thinks when she sees her new dog Buddy, she thinks of Chica. Also the fact that her father is not speaking to her makes it tougher for her since he’s the only man in her life besides her kids. Brandi tells Lisa that everything that she is going through is making her less patience and more irritable, sensitive and aggressive, and we can all see it.

Next Brandi and Yolanda arrive in Sacramento and they arrive at this luxurious suite. The two get settled in their room, it's Brandi's dad's birthday and she tries to connect with her dad and gives him a call but things don’t go as she hoped since her dad quickly passes the phone to Brandi's mom. Meanwhile back in Beverly Hills, Joyce goes to a gun range to learn how to use a gun for protection after her family experienced a near home invasion in their driveway a while back. Joyce at first has trouble since her only experience was for an acting gig but after she warms up she aims and shoots and scores, don't mess with this pageant queen.

It's time for Brandi's book event, the fans are there and Brandi is happy that her family arrived to support her. Brandi is there to support the LBGT community since its Gay Pride week in Sacramento. Brandi then hits stage to read parts of her book and answer some of the fans Q&A, we learn that Brandi has always been a supporter of the LGBT community as well as her family. Brandi shares a story when she was a teen that a family friend got kicked out from his house for coming out and saying he was gay and that her family took him in and lived with them, Mazel to Brandi’s family, that’s says a lot about someone’s character!

Back in Beverly Hills, Kyle and her family are gathering for a Shabbat dinner which is a Jewish tradition. Apparently during Shabbat, the wife is required to sleep with her husband and pretty much have sex, Kyle however seems more willing and ready for it, gotta love them. Kyle and Mauricio talk about their daughter's upcoming bat mitzvah, they are trying to keep it far from being over the top and extravagant and expensive but their daughter feels otherwise, guess we have to wait how that goes.

Back in Sacramento, The Glanville’s along with Yolanda head out to dinner. Yolanda sits next to Brandi's dad and she gives him a gift for his birthday as well as Brandi. Yolanda tells Mr. G that he has an amazing daughter and he should be proud of her, you can tell that Brandi misses her father and wants nothing more than to make up with him. Dinner is over and the whole family goes up to the roof top of the hotel and Brandi and her dad have a moment and they make up, this got me happy and sad at the same time, this made me look at Brandi in a whole new light. Say what you want about Brandi, yes she's stubborn, yes her mouth is says things that at times she shouldn’t but you can't deny that she loves her family and the fact that her dad was ignoring her was eating her, her eyes said it all, I almost cried along with her, I’m glad they made up because you can tell it was tough on both ends.

Next Brandi and Yolanda are back in the 90210 area code, Joyce organizes a self defense class and invites all the ladies. From what I got from the class the Richard sisters fight one another like they used to when they were kids, Carlton is pretty much the next a Rocky Balboa, Brandi hits hard like she was one of the Mortal Kombat video game characters, can we say FATALITY? FLAWLESS VICTORY! (Mortal Kombat inside joke!)  Lisa is Jessica rabbit, cute and hell sexy and Yolanda is The Terminator, don't piss this Dutch girl cause what we saw she can choke your ass in just seconds, and she doesn't play! Soon after Brandi punched the self defense instructor she notices major feels pain in her hand, then Brandi, Kyle and Lisa decide to go out for lunch. Kyle knows that Brandi is going through a lot lately and gives her a funny and cute card to cheer her up but what did Lisa get? NADA Uh-Oh!

Lisa is concern about Brandi's hand and keeps telling her that she should have it checked by a doctor, an irritated Brandi tells her that she's fine and she is going to put ice on it to let the swelling go down, Lisa insists that Brandi should go see a doctor because she may have broke it or dislocated it, Lisa is coming from a good place, but I can also see where Brandi is coming from, all I can say is that Lisa can mother me anytime she wants to, until next week

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Monday nights at 8/7 only on Bravo

Photo Credit: Bravo