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Recap: Mob Wives: New Blood - Episode 7: Loose Lips

This week on Mob Wives: New Blood, newspaper articles surface with photos of Alicia and Drita during their trip to Las Vegas with lies that could potential hurt her legal case, Alicia thinks that someone in the group may be the one responsible for it. Read out full recap below!

Drita calls Ang and she tells her that she has been having disturbing dreams. Drita tells her that she been dreaming of two people that have been watching over her to the point that she shot both of them and killed them and that's disturbing her, According to Drita her dreams always mean something that reflects to her reality and she is panicking that her dream truly mean, all she knows is that it’s not going to be good news. Back in Philly, Alicia and her hottie and delicious brother (sorry Alicia just keeping it real) are talking sentencing, Alicia is grateful that her brother has been supportive of her but she is scared about going to jail and her brother tells her that it's reality and she needs to prepare for it just in case. Alicia can't imagine the fact of not being without her children and the thought of that haunts her.

Back in Big Ang's house, Natalie goes over and visits her and Drita, they all sit down and rehash about her fight with Renee during their Las Vegas trip. Natalie explains to Ang and Drita about the conversation she had with Renee, Natalie feels like her issues with Renee are not resolved and she feels like her apology to her was not sincere. Drita feels like Renee holds grudges and feels like she is not going to let go of her issues with Natalie which Ang agrees. Later on at Big Ang's house, she along with her husband Neil, her son AJ and his girlfriend Gabby who's pregnant are having dinner and Ang is excited to be a grandma. Ang feels like Gabby needs to get a job and be productive they way she was when she used to pregnant back in the day, she doesn’t like the fact that she’s using the pregnancy card an excuse to do nothing. Ang finds it hysterical to tell her son that Neil and her are considering having a baby. AJ is not too pleased by it and tells Ang she's too old to have one.

Meanwhile Renee and her son AJ hang out playing darts. Renee is still struggling about the fight she had with Natalie in Las Vegas, Renee seeks advice from her son AJ and he gives her the best advice. Say what you want about Renee, but one thing we can all agree on is that she sure raised a good man. Renee should be proud of AJ, besides being attractive he is wise and smart. Next Ang and Drita head to lunch and Ang shows Drita a newspaper article which contains a picture of Drita and Alicia in Las Vegas. According to the article Alicia lied to the judge to get permission to go to Las Vegas to see her son in college. Drita knew that her dream meant something, while she is shocked about the article, she knows that Alicia has nothing to do with it, but she and Ang feels like there's a rat around Alicia who is trying to hurt her.

Meanwhile, Natalie and Alicia meet for lunch and Alicia shows Natalie the newspaper article that allegedly she lied to the judge to go to Las Vegas. Alicia says the article is nothing but a lie but she knows that someone is out to get her to put her and her husband’s case in jeopardy. Natalie feels for Alicia and is mad that she has to go through this. Drita decides to focus what's important to her which is her family, she spend time with her younger daughter, Drita feels like her young daughter should be a model like she was when she was a child. Drita is happy to back her daughter up and fill up her piggy bank if they make good money from modeling, guess we have to wait and see how this unfolds, this so reminds me of Teresa Giudice from RHONJ!

Next Alicia visits her attorney to discuss regarding the controversy surrounding the newspaper article. Her attorney says that this situation can go against her, even though Alicia got approved to go to Las Vegas her attorney says that she needs to be more careful what she uploads on her social media accounts since it’s clear that’s where the newspaper got the pictures from. Her attorney says if the judge decides to use this against her case, she can go to jail for up to 5 years in jail, let’s hope this doesn’t happen for her, we love Alicia!

Ang is at the Drunken Monkey and she comes across another newspaper article saying more lies about Alicia, Ang decides to call Alicia to check up on her. Ang feels sorry for the person who is ratting and lying about Alicia because she knows when Alicia’s husband Eddie comes out from prison it’s not going to be a pretty picture. Alicia is pissed off not because of her, but because of her kids. Drita visits Renee and Renee apologizes to her about her behavior in Las Vegas, then Ang calls Renee and tells them about the newest newspaper article about allegedly Alicia hiding money from the Feds. Renee and Drita don't believe it and they find out that the judge wants to see Alicia and they are concern for her because it could possibly mean jail time.

Next Alicia visits Drita and they talk about her current situation about the newspaper articles. Alicia feels like someone is out to get her and they are trying to portray her as something that she is not. Drita feels like someone is trying to take her down and spread lies about her. Alicia says she has a pretty good idea who is doing this and Drita wants to know who it is so she can beat them up for her. The next day Renee, Drita and Ang meet up for lunch and talk about Alicia's situation. They are concern about her case and they are disgusted about the lies that are surfacing against her. Drita and Renee are concerned for Alicia because if she goes to jail she can't defend herself while being in there, they know that Alicia wouldn't jeopardize to put herself in that situation and they know that all she was trying to do is to protect her husband but by doing that she got herself mixed in the mess, they all agree to go see her and show her their support.

Drita, Renee and Ang head to Philly to visit Alicia and show her their support to her. Alicia lets the ladies know that the newspaper articles can lead for her to go up to 5 years to jail. Alicia tells the ladies that she is only guilty about being in love and trusting her husband. Alicia feels like someone in the circle is responsible about spreading these lies to the press. Ang says none of the girls will ever snitch, Alicia feels like no one from her family would do that to her but Renee, Drita and Ang reassure her that they wouldn't snitch and spread lies about her to bring her down. Somehow everything turns on Renee about the wire taps, Alicia then gets angry and Renee makes it clear that there are other people that are aware of the wire taps and Renee feels offended that Alicia would think that Renee is behind everything. This was a good episode, until next week!

Mob Wives: New Blood airs Thursday nights at 10/9c only on VH1

Photo Credit: VH1