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Recap: RHOM Season 3 - Episode 10: Brazilian Bridezilla

On this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Miami, it's Adriana's and Frederic's special day, it's wedding time! Adriana turns into a Brazilian Bridezilla and she was very tardy for her own wedding, and by just saying that it reminds me of Kim Zolciak. Read our recap below!

It’s less than 24 hours before Adriana and Frederic’s wedding and she is already about to lose it. Instead of relaxing, Adriana finds her self having a lot in her plate, she has to make sure the flowers are taken care of, exchange her son’s shoes and waxing her “Amazon” if you know what I mean.  Apparently Adriana needs some type of vitamin injection for energy and Fredric gives her the shot in her bum, ouch!

Alexia invites Lea, Joanna and Lisa to the beach to catch up and enjoy some sun. Marysol and Adriana are not invited for obvious reasons… Lea! Lisa and Lea bring up the confrontation they had with Marysol during Alexia’s birthday party. Alexia tries to understand everyone but she also backs up her bestie Marysol. Lisa makes it clear that no one is going to speak to her in any type of way and she has a voice to prove it while Lea thinks Marysol is trying to make her look bad.

It’s wedding time for Adriana and Frederic and Adriana is more worried about everyone else than actually getting ready for her own wedding. Thankfully Marysol arrives with a gift to Adriana which is a makeup box. Joanna and Lea hang out at Lea’s apartment size closet and gossip about not being invited to Adriana’s wedding. Lea feels relieved that she is not invited since she knows it will be awkward for both of them.

Marysol is getting her hair done and Alexia and Lisa arrive to get ready for the Adriana’s big day, the problem is that Adriana hasn’t even gotten ready or even showered. Marysol, Alexia and Lisa decide to put their issues behind them and enjoy the day with a glass of champagne. We learn that Adriana’s mom cannot make it due to health reasons but her sister and niece are there for her.

Adriana becomes Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th series while rocking her facial mask then Frederic arrives to the room because he cannot find his clothes, seems like no one is on time while getting ready for this wedding. Adriana begins to feel weak and overwhelmed and her bridesmaids aka Alexia, Marysol and Lisa give her motivation and support and they pretty much take over and make sure she gets ready since the ceremony is going to start soon.

It’s time for the ceremony and there is no bride to be found, she is late. Adriana is barley getting her makeup done, Frederic and Lenny check in with the ladies since all the guest have arrived. We notice that Adriana pulls a Tamra Barney and she also has a Man of Honor, cool right? Adriana rips her veil that she hates and makes it her own, after being over an hour and so late she finally arrives at the ceremony looking fabulous and gorgeous. The two exchange vows and it’s time to celebrate but not before a wardrobe change.

Per Adriana’s request all her guest must change outfits inspired by the 1920’s and by everyone I mean everyone. Seems like everyone takes their sweet time and Adriana once again takes another hour or two being late to her own wedding reception. While getting ready Lisa and Marysol bring up the incident they had at Alexia’s birthday party. Lisa tells Marysol how she feels and so does Marysol.

Back at the reception, seems like people are getting tired of waiting, Lenny is one of them and who can blame him? Lisa then joins another fight but this time is with her husband Lenny. Lisa tells Lenny he is being rude and it’s not her fault that the bride is taking her sweet as time to get ready. After a few arguments Lisa convinces her husband to stay for a few more minutes and luckily Adriana arrives. After a rough start the reception finally turns into a nice party and the drama is finally is left behind, and by drama I’m talking about Adriana’s bridezilla moments. So one wedding down, one more to go.

The Real Housewives of Miami airs Monday nights at 10/9 c only on Bravo

Photo Credit: Bravo