Congratulations to Real Housewives of Vancouver star Mary Zilba for taking over the iTunes Country Music Charts in the UK this week! Not only did her song "Hero" made it to #1 beating out artists such as Taylor Swift, The Band Perry and Johnny Cash but her music video for "Hero" also made it to #1. See details below
We saw Mary's journey during the first season of The Real Housewives of Vancouver as she recorded and performed the track and during the second season as she recorded the music video and performed the song along with RHOV co-star Robin Reichman.
Mary Zilba is the first ever Real Housewives star to ever making it to any #1 music charts on iTunes, Mazel to her! but then again Mary Zilba can actually sing, can't say the same for our other housewives who release music (not talking about Kandi).
Proceeds for purchasing the song and music video go to finding cure for Tuberous Sclerosis.
Once again congrats to Mary and hopefully with the success that RHOV is having in the UK and Australia means that Slice and Lark Productions decide to finally do a Season 3. My questions is when will they finally air RHOV here in the USA? Hurry up Bravo!!
Photos Credit: iTunes/Twitter