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Recap: RHOC Season 8 Reunion Part 3 - Episode 21

The electrifying reunion comes to a dramatic conclusion when Vicki's boyfriend Brooks and Briana confront each other in an explosive argument that brings Vicki to tears and has her threatening to leave the reunion for good! Read our recap below!

The Real Housewives of Orange County final reunion episode kicks off with a discussion about husbands. Heather is on the hot seat regarding the way she treats Terry this season. Heather defends their relationship by saying she gives her husband a great life and by stating they have disagreements like everyone else. Heather confesses the fight where she walks off from Terry was because she is annoyed with the whole onion rings incident. Heather also reveals she sold her home and is in the process of having her new house built from the ground up, it’s going to be bigger because they have to make more room for baby Collette, rich girl problems lol. Alexis talks about her husband Jim, she says she is happy that the viewers get to see a different side of him but Tamra is not really sold on it.

Briana is brought to the stage and the mood shifts dramatically. First the fight between Lydia’s mom and Ryan is brought up. Briana apologizes for what happened however never really apologies for her husbands behavior. Briana insists Ryan was just trying to protect Vicki’s home and then claims she cleaned wine and muff off the couch, Lydia steps in and defends her mother but Briana says she never said it was Judy, just that she cleaned off wine and mud off the couch, basically this never gets resolved as Briana then gets defensive and says she will not talk about her husband who is away at war in Afghanistan. Andy then bring up Brooks to Briana to talk about the reason why Brooks wasn’t allowed to visit Vicki’s house. Briana tries to give her reasons and Vicki insists that she doesn’t want to “go there” and decides to walk out but eventually comes back.

Brooks then attends the reunion and things get very heated and frankly hard to watch. It’s Briana versus Brooks! Briana takes this opportunity to explain why she doesn’t want her family near Brooks. Apparently when Vicki was still married to Donn she found an email between Brooks and Vicki where he said he loved her and asking her to leave Donn. The biggest reason why she can’t stand Brooks is because there’s a recording tape of Brooks telling Ryan that he should start hitting Briana to keep her in line. Things get worst when Briana confesses that Brooks told that he has a big penis size, can you say AWKWARD! Briana also confesses that she was physically abused as a child but the crazy thing is that Vicki defends Brooks.

The entire cast looks shocked and uncomfortable hearing all of this that Lydia walks off the set crying. Brooks admits that he said it however justifies by claiming all of this was said in the heat of the moment and says he was drunk at the time. Brooks admits what he said was wrong and apologies however Briana doesn’t accept it and says she will never accept him. Tamra says she is disgusted by all of this and tells Brooks that she will go after him if he ever hurts, uses, hits or steals from Vicki and Brooks claims he has not done any of those things. Lydia comes back and confesses that the whole thing was too much for her to handle.
Vicki then says Brooks has not harmed her and insists he is not a dangerous person. It’s clearer than water that their relationship is splitting Vicki’s family apart and Brooks agrees to break it off with Vicki and walks off set. Vicki gets emotional and breaks down crying and Alexis, Tamra, Heather and Lydia go to Vicki to console her. Vicki tells Gretchen she can relate to her for loving a man that everyone disapproves. Gretchen gives Vicki advice about relationships and then each of the ladies discuss what this season has meant to them by ending it with a glass of champagne and a WOO HOO! Get ready for Tamra’s OC Wedding airing this Monday at 8/7c.

The Real Housewives of Orange County is not over yet as The Secrets Revealed episode airs this Sunday at 9/c.

Photo Credit: Bravo