The women then get on a bus which will take them to Whistler.
Heather then tells the ladies how she’s only going to be there for six hours
since she has to fly back to LA to film Malibu Country. Tamra says that
was the same TV show Gretchen got a call about but Heather makes it clear it
was for a different part. Alexis then joins in the conversation and says she
also got a call to do the same role Gretchen was offered but she turned it down
due to scheduling conflicts. Basically this is Fox 5 the sequel!
The ladies arrive at The Four Seasons Resort in Whistler. Lydia invites
her hottie Uncle Greg to visit her and the rest of the ladies. All the ladies
meet at Lydia ’s
suite for drinks. Apparently Uncle Greg is single then the ladies think he
should hook up with Vicki who is also single then he confesses he’s taken and
everyone is having a good time. Heather leaves the girls and flies back to LA. I
have to give it to Heather for going to Canada for just 6 hours. Gotta love
rich people!
The next day the ladies head to the slopes to go skiing. Vicki
says she used to ski in high school so she has skills and then quickly falls in her
face. All the ladies are having fun in the snow skiing and Tamra takes the opportunity
to tell Vicki what Lauri has been saying behind her back and accusing her of
having a threesome.
Vicki quickly denies ever having a threesome and she is
ready to open a can of whoop ass on Lauri. Tamra suggests Vicki should talk to
Gretchen to get the entire scoop. Vicki confronts Gretchen and
Gretchen says Lauri said those things about Vicki because she wanted to call
her out on her hypocrisy. Vicki admits
she cheated on Donn but it was on both ends which Donn also cheated which is why they got a divorce.
Lauri arrives and Vicki quickly calls out Lauri by saying “not cool Lauri!”.
Vicki asks Lauri why would she make such accusations about
her and Lauri tells her Gretchen told her about how Vicki accused Gretchen on
cheating on Jeff which makes no sense to me on why would Lauri be loyal to
Gretchen when Vicki was there for her when no one was and even got her a job.
Vicki tells Lauri off and I must say it was the best RHOC moment for me. I
couldn’t stop laughing! Vicki is the OG of the OC and she still has it in her.
Woo Hoo!
Gretchen goes on, and calls Vicki a hypocrite for accusing
her of cheating years ago and then Lydia calls Gretchen out for doing
the same thing which quickly upsets Gretchen. Next we see Lydia , Alexis
and Tamra doing snow angels, which is nice to see Tamra and Alexis together getting
along! I guess that bible did come in good handy after all! Vicki is still mad
as hell and Alexis tries to calm her down and saying she doesn’t believe it and
the episode ends by Vicki screaming her lungs out of anger. Watching this
episode really made me miss the ladies from The Real Housewives of Vancouver.
This reminded me of Season 1 of RHOV and I was hoping to see Christina, Mary,
Reiko, Ronnie and Jody now that have been Jewish Sex sweet cheeks!
Next week the ladies continue their Canadian vacation and a
round 2 for Vicki vs. Lauri, I can’t wait for that… whoo hooo!
The Real Hoousewives of Orange County airs every Monday nights at 9:00 pm on Bravo!
Photo Credit: Bravo
Photo Credit: Bravo