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Video: Mob Wives Season 3 Reunion Sneak Peek: Karen vs. Carla!

Karen and Ramona at the Mob Wives Season 3 Reunion
VH1 recently released a sneak peek video of the Mob Wives Season 3 reunion special. As reported new cast member Love Majewski was not allowed to take part of the reunion and was fierd from the show.  Also Dr. Drew is the host of the reunion. You can watch the sneak peek of Mob Wives Season 3 reunion below!

In the sneak peek Karen reveals why she has an issue with Carla. Note: Shortly after the video was released today both ladies got into it on Twitter, however Tweets were later deleted.

Are you guys excited for this season's reunion special? Do you side with Karen or Carla? Tell us by leaving a comment below!

Mob Wives Season 3 Reunion airs this Sunday at 10pm on VH1.

Photo/Video Credit: VH1