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Recap: RHOA Season 5 Reunion Part 1

The RHOA reunion began with fireworks exploding! Right off the bat, Kenya more whipped out her fan for an unnecessary display of dramatics. The focus begins on Kandi and her current lawsuit against Kim for Tardy for the Party. Phaedra is currently representing her in her crusade for the Kim takedown. The ladies’ sexuality is brought into light and the cast has a bunch of laughs. Andy questions Phaedra about her bathing suit. Kenya thinks it was offensive and Phaedra doesn’t think she is a lady. Andy focuses on Kenya and her theatrics. Kenya tells everyone that she is cancer free and is disappointed that no one reached out to her. Nene speaks truth and tells her she shouldn’t worry about the fact that no one reached out but that she has health. Porsha agrees and tells her that she shouldn’t question anyone’s character when Kenya herself said she had a life changing experience! Kenya decides to dismiss what Porsha says. Typical coward running from the truth!

Andy focuses on Nene next and her life in Hollywood Hills. The night of Nene’s event is revisited and Kandi believes that Nene should have let all of them in. Kandi believes that Nene has always thrown shade her way in the past. Kandi feels that Nene has hit below the belt and doesn’t think that it is fair that it is dismissed as humor. The epic battle between Kenya and Porsha is visited. Kenya confesses that she thought that Porsha was a supposed to be socialite when she met her but was disappointed to see that she was just a person with a cheerleader personality. I don’t see how that is bad but anyways…Porsha doesn’t understand why she received such hate from Kenya right from the start when she asked Kenya about her life. Kenya refused to answer that question. Andy asked Kenya about the finale party and asked her why she was so upset at Porsha. The girls believe that Kenya was too rough on her and that she assigned Porsha the Halle Berry BAPS costume to make her look dumb.
The battle of the booties is visited! Kenya explains that Kenya thought that her distribution deal was not okay. She tells Andy that her video has been ranked by Amazon as #5 best video on their seller items. Phaedra denies such claims and tells her to not get her information from an urban website. Phaedra tells Kenya that she is made out of silicone and is selling a body that is made in Mexico. The battle rages on when Kenya hurls insults at Phaedra for insulting her video. Phaedra calls Kenya phony from head to toe while Kenya calls Phaedra fat. Kenya explains that she was planning to get Phaedra money for her video and all she asked for was 10% of her potential sales. This probably went unnoticed but Phaedra said that Kenya was no actress but acted all season instead of being a real person. This is totally true which I believe that many fans have noticed it. Kenya calls out Phaedra for calling her mentally ill. She feels horribly insulted that she was attacked in that manner because she feels that it hurt her reputation. Part 1 of the reunion ends here! Part 2 looks just as juicy!!
by: Mr. Housewife
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Photo Credit: Bravo