The episode starts with Amanda
inviting Jody and Robin to get her a vampire facelift due to her upcoming
birthday. While Amanda waits for the doctor the ladies talk about what happened
at dinner and discuss about Ronnie. Then Amanda gets ready for her vampire
facelift and she’s a bit nervous. As soon as Jody sees the needles being
injected into Amanda she gets freaked out and decides to walks out. (Side note:
A vampire facelift is when they take blood out your arm and re-inject it to
your face instead of fillers, so basically it’s organic and natural lol, not
kidding!). Next Robin, Mary and Ronnie meet up for lunch and discuss what happened
at dinner the other day and Amanda. Ronnie asks Robin if they brought up her
name during Amanda’s vampire facelift meeting which Robin says yes and explains
to her and Mary what exact was said. Ronnie is put off by that, meanwhile Mary
is not so surprised but Jody’s comments. Robin tells the ladies that Amanda and
Mia are bff’s which surprises Ronnie.
Meanwhile Jody is wearing her sombrero of strength. Jody’s son, Josh is packing since he is getting ready to go to the
Mary picks Robin up to take her for Robin’s second audition of the national anthem and also to be there for support. Robin talks to Mary about the maybe she misunderstood Jane’s comments about Robin possibly not getting the gig. Mary and Robin decide to put that in the past and they arrive at the audition. Robin meets her duet partner which is a 10 year old singer named Cole. Meanwhile Jody is at her house doing a photo shoot for Style At Home magazine and seems to enjoy it. Back to Robin, she meets Cole and decides to direct him on who should sing what part. The audition starts and Robin stops singing since a bug went into her mouth. After a rough start Robin and Cole get back to do the audition and they end doing the duet beautifully. And Robin and Cole get the part.
Mary and Ioulia pick up Robin to arrive at Amanda's party. Robin and Ioulia have a feeling the day is not going to turn out the best. The ladies arrive and shortly after Mia and Jody arrive with a birthday cake for Amanda. Mary feeling left out; Jody decides to bring some of Mary’s article back when she was running for Miss
Make sure to catch The Real
Housewives of Vancouver every Tuesday night at 10pm exclusively on Slice.
Photo Credit: Slice