Both Karen and Ramona tell Carla they are not so happy
for the way she treated Renee, holding the knife and calling her a junkie.
Carla tries to defend herself by saying she was tired of Renee making up lies
about her. Drita hates feeling like she has to pick sides but agrees if someone
waved a knife to her she would have stabbed someone which Ramona agrees. Big
Ang feels Karen and Ramona shouldn’t comment about Carla and Renee since they weren’t
there when Carla and Renee meet. Shortly after Carla says she’s happy to hear Renee
is doing well and thinks maybe she had something to due with Renee’s sobriety
which pisses off both Karen and Ramona. Then Ramona and Karen decide to leave
early since they have to pack to go to Arizona
the next day.
The next day Ramona
and Karen arrive to Arizona
to visit Karen’s ex, Dave. Meanwhile back in NYC, Renee invites Ang, Drita and
Love over to her house. She explains to them she needs to feel protected in her
home and has decided to get an attack dog for protection. Back in Arizona , Karen and
Ramona arrive to Karen's house and discover Dave is not home, just the dog.
After going through the house Karen discovers there’s nothing home belong to
Dave in her house which beings to question Dave even more. Soon after Karen’s
daughter, Karina arrives. Karina and Karen have a talk about Dave and his
girlfriend, and seem to have a bit of friction, shortly after Dave arrives. Back
east, Renee and the girls arrive to their destination for the hopes of getting
Renee an aggressive dog. After many demonstrations of aggressive dogs, Renee
leaves without and dog and questions if she even needs one.
Back in Arizona , Dave and Karen
finally talk! Dave tells Karen he lives with his girlfriend and that he hasn't
been to that house, the only time he has been to Karen’s house is only to feed
the dog. Karen is livid to know that all this time Dave never told Karen his
plans. Karen tells Dave for Karina's sake Karen needs and tells him she wants
to meet his girlfriend Rebecca, especially if she’s around Karina. Dave
responds he is going to get Karen and Rebecca together so they can know each
other. After Dave leaves, Ramona tells Karen she should try to get back with
Dave and feels Dave is perfect for Karen. Karen is taking back by Ramona’s
comment and think she’s crazy lol! Back east, Drita picks Carla up to see how
the progress of her new store is doing. On the way over, Drita and Carla start talking
about Lee.
Back west, Karen decides
show Ramona more of Arizona
and takes her where her dad used to have his pool construction business. Karen
explains to Ramona how she was in an ecstasy drug rank along with her brother
and then boyfriend Dave with eventually got arrested and her dad took the rap
for it. Since Karen’s dad got charged with it, Dave and her brother got a shorter
sentence and Karen feels guilty for her dad being in prison. Back in NYC, Drita
and Big Ang along with Carla's friends get together to celebrate Carla's birthday,
Carla is happy to know how there’s no drama and is happy to move forward in her
new chapter in life, with getting a divorce and enjoying her new boyfriend.
Back in Arizona ,
Karen and her brother, Gerard met at a remote location to discuss about their
fathers case. Gerard tells Karen there's a possible way on how they can get
their dad out of prison sooner. Gerard explain to Karen how and Karen is ready
to get everything together and see if they can get their father out.
Photo: VH1