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Recap: Mob Wives Season 3 - Episode 4: Of Vice And Men

by: Kristy
We opened with our fun loving God Mother Big Ang and Carla on their way for manicures. Ang was sporting a new curly wig, she was loving it and so were we! Once Drita arrives moments later the girls day is officially lets dig in shall we? The first hot topic was Renee and her new move to a new neighborhood. Looks like you've got company Carla, Renee's new home is located in the same neighborhood as Carla. Angela also tells Carla about Renee's decision to leave for Florida for rehab, she and Drita spoke very positively of the decision. Carla in normal Carla fashion was very mean and condescending, typical! Until you walk in someone else's shoes, show some compassion regardless of your opinions.

Carla's estranged husband Joe was our segway into the bombshell he's preparing to drop on her. DIVORCE! Yes, Joe is ready to end his marriage with Carla and explore what awaits him with his new life with current girlfriend Raquel. Joe met with an attorney to discuss his options and makes it brutally clear that he wants the marriage to be over and quick! After six years in a federal prison Joe has much time to make up for and there is no better way to do so, but to rebuild and start fresh. He's paid his debt to society so I say let him live in peace the way he wants to. God Bless!

The next morning is a big day...Renee is leaving for rehab. Renee is very overtaken by anxiety of what she knows she will be facing, add to that Karen and Ramona are running late. Renee zips through the house, she yells and even slams the front door...her anxiety is deflected onto her son A.J. and he doesn't take too kindly to it. In Renee's defense if she reacted any other way it wouldn't be right, no one can face what she was looking at calmly. The girls arrive and the car is the airport we go. The car ride was filled with positive energy and reinforcement from Karen and Ramona, Renee says she had to enter rehab when she was ready...she's ready now! God Bless you mama, you've got this! Next stop for Renee...Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Ft. Lauderdale here we are! Renee and A.J. load into the car for their ride to the rehab facility and they talk about Renee coping with her troubles. Renee expresses how deeply she is hurt knowing her child has been hurt, she's one devoted mother and we love this about her! A.J. is Renee's motivation to reach sobriety and she's going to tackle this beast. Renee arrives at Transitions rehab facility for her 28 day stay.

The next day Love visits Karen at her apartment to give her a make over, Love knows her makeup because she was a former makeup artists! One of the best, but I'm bias just maybe! The ladies discuss Dave and his new girlfriend and Love is impressed with how much self control Karen is showing. No need for body bags or digging holes just yet! Love shares her feelings for her ex fiancé Ray Merolle who currently is in prison in Arizona. Ray was Love's one true love or so she thought until he cheated. Love has a moment where she breaks down, when she cried it broke my heart...she only deserves happiness! She tells Karen that Ray fathered two children with two women after having his sperm frozen before entering prison. Talk about ripping a persons heart out! Karen sums it up best, these men show no loyalty or respect to the women who have held them down for years doing time right along with them.

Drita takes her daughters to visit Lee in prison. During the car ride Drita tells the girls that she truly believes Lee will change because he has them as his daughters to change for. Buffalo, New York here we come!

Back at the rehab facility Renee says her goodbyes to A.J. before meeting with several administrators to profile her medical history. Watching this was painful, Renee's pain permeated through the screen. Renee is fully aware of the many demons she's buried deep that she's about to unearth, it terrifies her. The journey to recovery is officially underway and with God's grace Renee will battle through recovery head on! Failing is NOT an option because when Renee was faced with the choice of life or death, she chose LIFE, she's going to DO this!

Drita and her girls arrive at the hotel to rest up for their big day to visit Daddy! God Bless! Joe and Raquel discuss his visit with the attorney over breakfast. Joe wants a speedy divorce however he may possibly be faced with a two year battle with Carla if she chooses to contest things. Knowing Carla like we do it's sad to say, but get ready to dig your heels in Joe and fight this one out. Joe is just so ready to fully enjoy his new life with Raquel lets hope he gets his wish. Morning is upon us and its time for Drita's visit to see Lee.

Karen and Ramona go for lunch and discuss this situation with Dave in more detail. Karen shares a text that she received from her daughter Karina, Karina expressed to Karen that she doesn't want to move to New York but remain in Arizona. Karina also tells Karen that she wants a relationship with her father. Karen is torn as any good mother would be, she just wants her baby happy. Ramona stresses to Karen the need for her to fly to Arizona and set things straight. Welcome to Bradford, five hour visit with Lee complete. SUCESS! The girls were priceless with their faces that could have lit up the night with their glows of happiness. Drita is overcome by emotions for Lee, for their daughters, for herself. She calls Angela to discuss the visit, I hope for Drita she finds her happiness in whatever form its meant to be in. God Bless.

Back on the island Love visits Big Ang, and we find out that Mr. Big Ang (Neil) got the big boot! Angela tells Love about the prison visit for Drita and Love talks more about Ray and her hopes of how she thought they'd always wind up together. Love also fills Ang in on the children Ray had with the other women and the possibility of her writing him a letter. She's got some heavy questions that have long awaited and anticipated answers! She deserves to know and I hope she finds her peace with it all. I do love this lady to pieces I can't deny! I want only the best for her!

Karen finally gets Dave on the phone...buckle up Dave! Dave was so callos during the conversation while Karen expressed her feelings about their daughter breaking the news of the girlfriend to her. Karen unleashes her wrath. GAME on or should I say WAR? We return to the rehab facility with Renee where she has survived the intake process, group therapy next. Lets do this! Renee expresses her anger towards Carla and really her anger in general, she then takes center stage in front of the group! Her peers fill her with positive ways to deflect her anger and energy. The group helps her understand how to take her power back. So NO Carla, her group session wasn't "about you" it was about Renee and the negative she needs to exercise out of her life which you just happen to be included in. The Queen Mother is fighting her way back, she ain't goin nowhere! God Bless you my sistah!


Photo Credit: VH1