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Recap: RHOM Season 2 - Ep. 9: Conflicting Conflict

Aa-ee-ee-ah and Bitch Slap Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

We begin with Lea and the set up of the Gala Event. Has anyone noticed the lights? I am telling you it is something about purple lights in Miami! I love them! I am using them at my next event! Lol. Aa-ee-ee-ah! Great now that our energy is balanced, we then go to Alexia’s gorgeous house where we see her beautiful and amaze-balls shoe collection!

Alexia asks Adrianna about the event and she describes it as a Greek tragedy! Adrianna tells Alexia that she tried to pull Karent aside to talk about the magazine article and because Karent didn’t want to, Adriana called her a coward. I think that that is respectable of her not to not engage in a discussion with Adrianna given prior ambush history at Alexia’s event. Adrianna continues to explain the story while Alexia sits there in disbelief. Meanwhile, Marysol and Mama Elsa drive to Lea’s house to see the lovely Norman.

While at Lea’s house Adrianna calls Lea and notifies her that she will not be attending the Gala. Lea is disappointed but assures her that no drama will be tolerated at the event. Lea goes and checks up on her dog Leroy and he is not okay. I literally CRIED in this scene because doggies have a very soft spot in my heart. Lea picks him up from the floor and says he cannot hold his head up and his eyes are rolling back and forth in his head. It is such a heartbreaking scene! Lea hysterically cries for her dog. Her husband takes him to the vet because it is an emergency. Many people may not understand the bond you develop with your dog. A dog becomes a member of the family, a child even. The reason is because you look after them, you feed them, you care for them, and you give them all the love you can. They are such innocent creatures that you can’t help but to fall in love with them. Mama Elsa comforts Elsa when she is in pain.

The ladies arrive and with them arrives Joanna. The ladies think that JOANNA should be the one who should be embarrassed. Really? I don’t see that! To me, I believe Adrianna took it too far. You WILLINGLY choose to strike! No one forced you. Norman proceeds to “cleanse” the ladies and they all conclude he is a phony. Lea asks Joanna to explain her side of the story and Lea is shocked to know that both stories are not similar in the least. I wonder what the ladies thought when they saw the footage of the fight. At any rate, it is now time to get ready for the Gala and the ladies look spectacular! Karent arrives at Joanna’s house to get ready and both ladies head out. Romain did not attend because he is still upset at Joanna. Marysol and Anna do not attend. They have a night in and Ana discusses her marriage situation. Back at the Gala, surprise surprise, Adrianna and Alexia DO attend. Adrianna and Alexia greet some of the ladies. Adrianna talks to Lisa about the whole ordeal. In my opinion, I think Lisa is kind of playing both sides of the fence. I know she is trying to remain neutral but I feel like she should be on Joanna’s side because that is her girl! Adrianna sits in Joe Francis’ table and it stirs up some trouble. JF walks up to Joanna but Joanna immediately sends him away. Joanna is struggling to remain composed because deep down she is very distraught. Joanna and Romain are not okay because of what happened at Lisa’s house. Lisa and Karent try to comfort her when Joanna begins to cry. Adrianna notices that she is crying and calls her a super whore instead of a super model. There was an Alexia and Karent snag! Joanna and Alexia were speaking and Karent speaks into Joanna’s ear and Alexia takes offense to it. She calls Karent disrespectful and Karent walks off and tells Alexia that she needs to grow up. Overall the Gala went well!! Next week, the ladies all gather around and explosions ensue!!! Can’t wait!!

Written by: Mr. Housewife

Follow Mr. Housewife on Twitter: @Bravo_RHONY
Photo Credit: Bravo