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iRealHousewives Interviews Twitter Parody Account: Christina Ciesel

Hello Readers, welcome to iRealHousewives. For the month of October in the spirit of Halloween, I’ll be posting parody interviews with some of the most hilarious Twitter parodies of the Real Housewives franchise. Please note these interviews are not meant to offend anyone, this is just for fun for entertainment purposes only. Beware some of the questions or answers might be either, harsh, direct but it’s all for fun. It’s not intended to disrespect or offend anyone.

I’ve interviewed the fur fabulous parody account Jody Klaman from RHOV and Caroline Wacko from RHONJ. This week in honor of #SpiritDay I’ve interviewed Twitter Parody Account Christina Ciesel. Christina Ciesel is a carefree, party girl with a heart of gold, who loves to go digging and her source of income is two divorces. Check out my exclusive interview with Christina
iRH: How are you?
CC: Hi darling, I'm doing rather good, thrilled to be here.

iRH: So Christina, do you still think Vancouveris a gold mine and do you still love to go digging?
CC: Of course it is darling; I just settled my 3rd divorce last week. My pockets were running a bit low.
iRH: Is Christina Ciesel the real Christina? Because I interviewed Jody Klaman last week and she mentioned that using the “C” instead of the “K” is your name is unoriginal. Anything you would like to respond to Jody Klaman?
CC: Gosh did you have to say her name?... Well yes I'm the real deal, that Jody speaks nonsense. Did you know she also served me papers after the Housewives reunion, she's delusional.

iRH: How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
CC: Well obviously Fabulous, Genuine and fan favorite haha I was shocked to see that, I have the best fans ever!

iRH: How would you describe your experience in RHOV?
CC: It was like high school all over again with all the bullying and name calling. I wouldn't have expected this type of behavior from a store owner especially a mother. Things would have been better with out Jody. Overall despite all that it’s been a wonderful experience.

iRH: Do you still keep in contact with any of the girls?
CC: I love my Mary. We still have brunches and drunk lunches weekly, same with Reiko. Ronnie is Ronnie I love her, we text here and there. As for Jody, lets just say I don't shop at secondhand stores.

iRH: Jody wasn’t the biggest fan of you or Mary during Season 1. In your opinion, why do you think you and Mary were Jody’s targets?
CC: Mary and I ask ourselves this all the time, only thing we can think of is she's a bully and jealous of us, she's disgusting.

iRH: In one of the episodes you made it seemed like you slept with Mia, which during the reunion you confessed it was a joke. Do you regret doing that?
CC: Not at all. At this point Jody doesn't know what to believe, that's exactly what I wanted. I will tell you this; Mia wasn't worth the cocktails that night!

iRH: What’s your take on Jody Klaman’s fashion sense?
CC: She’s ridiculous. All that Fur and Tiaras she looks like a circus animal. Mary and I would joke around saying a blind drag queen styled Jody haha innocent fun.

iRH: Since you have no television, no internet, how did you watch RHOV?
CC: Haha My last husband, well ex husband now owned a Irish pub, he would hold viewing parties each week of the show, it brought in more business.

iRH: How does it feel being labeled the favorite Vancouver housewife on
CC: I'm honored, again I have the best fans ever, follow me!

iRH: The big question what everyone wants to know. Will you be coming back for Season 2 of “The Real Housewives of Vancouver”?
CC: I can't discuss it, you have to watch and see!

iRH: Are there any great moments you loved during Season 1?
CC: Yes, I loved the trip to Mexico. We actually swam with dolphins which has always been a dream of mine, even kissed one but the show edited all that out. Also it was nice just to be away from Jody.

iRH: Do you still think Jody is a bully?
CC: Absolutely! I just witnessed earlier her bullying #RHONJ's Caroline Wacko via twitter. She's a wolf in sheep’s clothes. She also stalks my tweets, she's borderline sociopath.

iRH: Some people might have considered you free spirited, sensual, flirty, and the sexiest one. Would you agree with all of those?

CC: Yes, I'm all about having a good time loving life. I have no time for drama.

iRH: There have been rumors that you will be doing your own spin off show. Anything you would like to comment on that?
CC: I can't discuss this; I get emails from management daily not to speak on any projects.

iRH: How would you describe your friendship with your best friend Kevin Chase?
CC: It's almost like a marriage except we both like men, he's a treat.

iRH: Are you still not a fan of monogamy?
CC: I'm not, why put all my eggs in one basket. I like having options.

iRH: Out of all the ladies you got the closets to Mary Zilba. How would you describe your friendship with her?
CC: Its genuine, we're like sisters
iRH: People have a tough time believing your age. Do you think it has to do with doing Botox?
CC: Maybe but I've always took care of myself. Id rather botox then have whale sperm on my face.

iRH: Let’s pretend you don’t come back for a second season, what advice would you give to the new wives?
CC: Good luck, respect each other and have fun, just stand clear from Jody and her law suits.

iRH: Have you ever seen the American Real Housewives? If so, what are your thoughts on them?
CC: No, I don't watch TV however I did meet Caroline Wacko earlier via twitter, she gave Jody a taste of her own medicine.

iRH: If you had to choose between Mia and Jody who would you pick and why?
CC: I'm forced to pick Jody, I've already had Mia.

iRH: Are your 2 divorces still your source of income?
CC: It's 3 divorces and yes it is.

iRH: What do you look in a man?
CC: What attracts you the most? Lots of Money and money has no face!

iRH: Tell my readers why should they follow you on Twitter?
CC: Follow me because I’m fabulous and I'm your favorite Vancouver housewife!

iRH: Anything you would like to add to this interview?
CC: Yes, Please stop bullying, I find it disgusting Jody’s soldier @LindaNTyler to promote #SpiritDay but yet she bullies me and Mary sending hurtful tweets slandering our names, she's a hypocrite, pathetic and clearly disgusting person. I'm embarrassed for her family; she's the bottom of the barrel. We wish her well as she is in need of some serious help.

iRH: What are your plans for today?
CC: It’s cocktail time, meeting Reiko, Mary and Lisa for some drinks!

iRH: Thank you Christina Ciesel for the interview. Have a fabulous day sweet cheeks.
CC: Xxxxx muahz!
Disclaimer: @ChristinaCiesel is a parody account for entertainment purposes only. You can follow Christina Ciesel on Twitter at @ChristinaCiesel. Note: Despite the humor to this parody interview, this interview was done in honor of #SpiritDay. Let’s stop bullying!!
Photo Credits: @ChristinaCiesel