iRealHousewives Exclusive Interview with "Real Housewives of DC" star and author Cat Ommanney
iRH: How were you approached to be part of “The Real
Housewives of DC”?
Cat: My husband's boss rang me and asked me if she could put
my name forward to the production company. I hadn't heard of the show, nor do I
watch much TV but I said why not? Then producers approached me, explained what
is was about and I said no thank you, but they didn't give up and 4 months
later they twisted arm :)
iRH: Can you describe your experience being on the show?
Cat: It was wild, unpredictable, exhausting, wonderful, god
awful at times, but over all a lot of good times were had and I would never
regret the experience.
iRH: Were you satisfied how you were portrayed on the show?
Cat: Yeah, I think so over all. Totally screwed for the
first few episodes but I think by the end people could see with me that what
you see is what you get! ;)
iRH: How’s life after being on “The Real Housewives of DC”?
Cat: At the time when the show aired I was going through
'hell on earth' in my private life, heartbroken, homeless, penniless (laughs) but I'm
a survivor and like I said at our reunion - I will never be a victim. It was
such a shame after all our investment of our time over 5months of filming that
we never got the chance to reap what we sowed with a second season - oh and be
paid too, as I think all the ladies would agree the amount we were compensated
just about covered our costs. Bang goes the theory that we all made money! (laughs)
Now, two years later my life is fabulous and I'm the
happiest and most fulfilled I have been since my babies were babies ( ie 10
years ago! )
iRH: Do you still keep in touch with any of the ladies from
the show (Including Michaele)?
Yes Lynda and I talk every few days and always have our banter on twitter. Mary
and I keep in touch too and I really enjoy Stacies energy when we get to see
each other. Our friendship grew over the time of filming and I had a lot of
respect her, until I saw all the shit she had been saying behind my back on
national TV (laughs), but life's too short to bare a grudge. She wasn't used to people
like me :) and the only person who ever bought up the subject or had any issues
on race was Stacie! Now that was ironic whilst I was being given all the crap!
But I do like her.
iRH: What are your thoughts on Michaele leaving Tareq?
Haven't set eyes on Michaele since the reunion, but if I saw her now I would
put the past in the past. Even her foul mouth and the evil things she said to
me but then I gave her as good as I got. Good on her for having the courage to
ditch the turd of a husband she had. I hope she's happy now. Would still like
to hear her admit one day that she was N.F.I to the White House and apologize
for all the shit that put us as a group through at that time, but I wont hold
my breath.
iRH: Last time we saw you on the RHODC reunion, you stated
you were now single? Is that still the case or are you dating anyone?
Cat: I
have been living with my boyfriend Rick for nearly a year now. We have the most
wonderful home together in Spain .
He travels quite a lot with work so we never get sick of each other - its
pretty romantic and I'm a very happy lady! I think he's keeping me young as
he's 10 years younger. I like that :)
iRH: Before joining the show, were you a fan of the “The
Real Housewives” franchise?
Cat: Never heard of the show...
iRH: Congratulations on the success on your book “Inbox
Full”, are there any plans of a sequel? (I know the answer is yes however some
people don’t know this, I know cause I follow you on Twitter)
Cat: Thank you - even though I rushed to get it out for
Christmas and the editing was pretty shite, I'm so happy that so many people
have enjoyed it! I get messages all the time and that make me feel great! The
sequel is coming this summer
iRH: Do you have an idea by when will the sequel to Inbox
Full will be released?
Cat: Hoping for the end of August beginning of September.
Very exciting as I think its tons better than the first so I'm hoping everyone
else agrees too!
iRH: Would you ever consider writing a non fiction novel
like former RHONY Bethenny did?
Cat: Yes, I'd love to. I really enjoy writing and immersing
myself in being creative, so maybe one day!
iRH: For those who don’t know you’ve been a successful
international interior designer for over 20 years. Can you tell my readers
where that passion and business began?
Cat: I went to Art college and got into interior design by
my my early twenties. Buying property and renovating entirely, right down to
the furniture so the buyer buys the entire package. I love creating - period.
iRH: Can you give my readers an update on on you’re
daughters? What have they been up too since we last saw them?
Cat: Jade and Ruby are on cracking form, growing into such
beautiful young ladies that I'm incredibly proud of. The love their boarding
school and all their friends there. Us Brits are big on the boarding thing - I
went, their father went and we wanted the same for them. We have all the long
holidays together and as many weekend as they fit me in for as they have some
many plans with their 'mates' now they are 'teenagers' (well Rubys nearly
iRH: Is there any specific charity you work for and support?
Cat: The Humane Society in DC - I just auctioned my wedding
dress of for them too. They do great work!
iRH: Any thoughts of releasing a cookbook of your favorite
dishes in the near future?
Cat: Love to, and have been thinking about it but I think it
would be better filmed and more fun, we'll see...
iRH: Looking back to RHODC, is there any cringing moment for
Cat: So many I lose count! Probably the worst when I was
talking about George Bush and President Obama. I came across like a total stuck
up biatch
iRH: What are your thoughts of Tareq Salashi running for
governor of the state of Virginia ?
Cat: Is that joke still going around?
iRH: If you have the opportunity of doing reality TV again,
would you do it again?
Cat: I have had, and said no to a couple of shows but I may
do if it was on my terms and something that I was proud of.
iRH: Out of all the “Real Housewives” who’s your favorite
and least favorite housewife and why?
Lynda would be my first choice because I love her for so many reasons and Taylor being my least
favorite because she is so insufferable to watch and listen to.
iRH: Are you friends with any of the “Real Housewives”
besides your DC cast?
Cat: Yes. I talk to Lisa VP, Lea Black, and the odd emails
with Sonja. I met Bethanny but she turned her nose up at me ;)
iRH: What is your favorite movie?
Cat: Terms of Endearment / Thelma and Louise. Green many I wouldn't know where to start. I'm a real sucker for the old
romantic ones. I love most movie that Jack Nicholson's been in
iRH: Who is your Celebrity Crush and why?
Cat: Leanardo De Caprio. So hot and love his acting.
iRH: Is there anything else you
would like to add?
Cat: I have some BIG news which I
am sharing very soon, so join me on Facebook
and on twitter @catommanney to keep updated on what's happening!
iRH: Anything you would like to
say to your fans?
Cat: Yes! I value every single one
of you and dedicate a part of my book to sharing my thoughts on how much
support and love from my fans carried me through the roughest time in my life.
So many great people, so many laughs and the odd tears too. People all over the
world that have come into my life through the expereinec of the show and
through my book, by drawing out all kinds of emotions in readers. I know I'm
very blessed and never take that for granted.
I know I'm biast but I do have THE
coolest, funniest, smartest fans of all the housewives I think!! :) Even if I
don't have 10's of 1000's because I wasn't on FB or twitter when our show
aired. And you better all buy the sequel to my book because you will LOVE it
plus some of you are in it!
I would like to thank Cat for taking the time for allowing
me to interview her. After reading her responses and making me laugh, this is why "us" the fans fell in love with her in the first place. Love the fact that she keeps it real, she’s charming, beautiful
and full of personality. All I have to say to Cat is thank you darling. xoxo
Visit her webiste:
Photo Credit: @CatOmmanney
Note: Partial reposting is
permitted with a link back to the original