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Joanna Krupa Has A Message For The Haters And Online Trolls!

Joanna Krupa took to her Instagram page to share a special message to all the haters and online trolls who "judge" and "bully" others on social media. "A quote from my interview re Hate aka Bullying , LGBT, Women’s right s , God and fighting Hashimoto," wrote the former Real Housewives of Miami star.

"If you want to judge me or others I suggest , look in the mirror . If you see an angel in human form, someone that is honest , helpful, doesn’t hurt others , doesn’t cheat ,respects others , then you can state your opinion.."

She continued: "I can’t stand the hypocrisy of people being judge-mental and then thinking that showing up in church is gonna erase their sins . Look at yourself before u have the nerve to judge others and how they live their life "

A quote from my interview re Hate aka Bullying , LGBT, Women’s right s , God and fighting Hashimoto . If you want to judge me or others I suggest , look in the mirror . If you see an angel in human form, someone that is honest , helpful, doesn’t hurt others , doesn’t cheat ,respects others , then you can state your opinion. I can’t stand the hypocrisy of people being judge-mental and then thinking that showing up in church is gonna erase their sins . Look at yourself before u have the nerve to judge others and how they live their life . Jeśli ktoś chce mnie krytykować, to polecam mu, by najpierw stanął przed lustrem. Jeśli spoglądając w lustro zobaczy anioła w ludzkiej skórze, kogoś, kto jest szczery, pomocny, nie wyrządza innym krzywdy, nie zdradza, szanuje ludzi, to wtedy może komentować moje życie. W innym wypadku nie ma prawa wypowiadać się na mój temat. Zresztą, nie interesują mnie opinie ludzi, którzy chodząc do kościoła, chowają się ze swoim prawdziwym obliczem sądząc, że sama modlitwa zmaże ich grzechy. #spreadlovenothate @stareoness @malgorzata_urbanska_mua @jarekmlotkowski.hairstylist @justyna_bulinska @kasialaszcz.fashionstylist
A post shared by Joanna Krupa (@joannakrupa) on

Photo Credit: Instagram