Luann de Lesseps is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. Luann de Lesseps thinks Dorinda Medley is stuck in the middle and the ladies should be sensitive to that. Dorinda writes:
"Old friends are precious, so that’s why I chose my longtime pal and realtor, Ann Lenane with Douglas Elliman, to help me find a pied de terre in the city. She knew Manhattan like the back of her hand in the 80s and today, she’s considered to be one of New York’s top realtors. She was my first roommate in New York in the late 80s, and we quickly became BFFs. So when I got into a potentially sticky situation with two Italian men that I met in Central Park and innocently invited back to our pad, it was Ann who read me the riot act about how I could have been in trouble. I was trusting and naïve when I arrived in New York from small-town Connecticut, and Ann always had my back, and she still does now. Together, I’m hoping we find the perfect spot for me.
New Yorkers are very passionate about their neighborhoods, and I’ve lived in both the Upper East and West Sides. The first Upper East Side apartment Ann showed me had great light and fabulous views, but I’m considering living downtown to mix it up a bit. Downtown has a hipper vibe, but the Upper East Side is where I raised my kids. I’ll decide soon enough, because while I love shacking up with Sonja, it’s time to get my own place. I believe the universe will send love my way again and having my own apartment will give me more privacy should I meet someone special.
Poor Dorinda, she’s caught in the middle between her girlfriends and her boyfriend. Why should she have to choose one over the other? John was being disrespectful to Dorinda when he barged into her lingerie party, tipsy and uninvited. When he and Bethenny got into it, you could see his aggressive side. Dorinda was right to get him out of there as quickly as possible. Jules was able to convince John to go downstairs for a drink because they are friends and Jules understands him. As for Ramona blurting out in front of the girls what she heard about John and their sex life, I think she should have kept this information to herself or spoken with Dorinda privately. She was the recipient of the Singer-stinger, which I know all too well.
Dorinda loves John, and to be friends with her, we have to be kind to him. I was impressed with Dorinda’s composure as she confronted Ramona (tag-teaming with Bethenny) at the restaurant. She held her head up, eventually looked Ramona in the eye and shared how hurt she was by Ramona’s comments at the party. Ramona’s first apology at the lingerie party was robotic, but her second one at the restaurant was a little better. Also, Dorinda was very gracious to apologize to Bethenny on John’s behalf. I think Ramona and Dorinda will get past this but as Dorinda said, once the mirror is broken, you can look in it but it’s never the same.
Bethenny invited me to her upcoming birthday party, and I could care less whether or not Carole attends. Carole spends way too much time writing and talking about me, don’t you think?
Until next week, God bless."
What do you think about Luann’s blog?
The Real Housewives of New York City airs Wednesday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo
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