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Teresa Giudice On Jacqueline Laurita: “She Needs Me To Stay Relevant”

Teresa Giudice is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Teresa didn't enjoy Jacqueline Laurita's passive-agressive message and says that Jacqueline needs her to stay relevant.

Teresa writes:

"Hi Everyone!

In last week's episode, the girls and I had to say goodbye to Joe, which was very tough on us. In this week's episode, you got to see how we were doing in those first few days without Joe.

It was hard to see my daughters in pain and missing their father. I was upset that Joe was gone and couldn’t imagine what they were going through. As you saw, I tried to give them extra love, affection and attention -- anything to help make things better for them.

I did smile, though, when I saw how hard Milania tried to help out around the house by doing things Joe used to do. I was proud of her. So were her sisters, who also do a lot to help me while their dad is away.

I wanted to be there to help Dolores to celebrate the beautiful job she did redoing her house, but couldn’t because Joe was calling us that night and the girls and I really wanted to talk to him.

Dolores made sure to let me know that she understood why I couldn’t be there. She is a good friend. So is Siggy. I liked what she said about how women should be there to lift each other up. She is right.

Jacqueline was doing the opposite, especially when she showed up at Dolores's wearing a shirt saying, "Namast'ay Away From Me."

There she goes again, playing the victim, crying and whining about getting ganged up on, then she goes and does something passive aggressive like that. She loves to stir the pot, that girl. I found it all entertaining. It made me laugh and it just showed me that like others, she needs me to stay relevant. 

I also thought it was interesting when I saw that Jacqueline got Dolores mad. Dolores is so even-keeled and easy to get along with, so for her to get mad like that…But it goes to show you that I'm not the only one Jacqueline is ticking off.

But back to lifting up other women: I was happy to teach yoga at the event Dolores held at her gym. I love yoga so much and was happy to share what I have learned with other women. 

I'm getting certified to become a teacher because I love it so much. For anyone who wants to do yoga at any studio anywhere, check out…it's fantastic! 


I can't believe that the finale is next week! This season flew by! Definitely stay tuned because next week's episode is not to be missed!"

What do you think about Teresa’s blog?

The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Sunday nights at 8/7c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo