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VIDEO: Kenya Moore Spills The Tea On Watch What Happens Live!

Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kenya Moore appeared on Watch What Happens Live this past Sunday night to all spill the tea alongside Sherri Shepherd. Kenya and Andy dished on RHOA, NeNe Leakes and discussed the shocking apology she received from Apollo Nida. The tension between Kenya and Sherri was more than obvious, check it out below!

Kenya Moore and Sherri Shepherd discuss the unfortunate circumstances of RHOA’s Phaedra Parks and Apollo Nida.

When discussing Apollo Nida’s apology, Kenya said, “Of course [it was vindicating] because my story has been the same from day one. I’ve never seen Apollo outside of Atlanta or an Atlanta Housewives taping. When he said that I saw him in L.A. and I offered him a fellatio and all of that…  and then for Phaedra to repeat that story on national TV… in interviews… it was clearly slander, it maligned my character and attacked my virtue as a woman. I never did that and I never would. I’m not interested in her husband and I’m not interested in anyone else’s husband.”

Then, Andy showed a clip of NeNe Leakes’ WWHL interview from last week and wanted Kenya to respond to NeNe saying that her cast mates haven’t supported her in her upcoming role in Cinderella on Broadway.

“Why would we support her?” Kenya asks. “I think she is not satisfied unless if she is taking someone else down. If she’s not on top then everybody else has to be on the bottom. I don’t understand that. There’s room for us all.”

Sherri Shepherd discusses her point of view on the Porsha / Kenya incident from last year’s #RHOA Reunion with Kenya Moore herself. Spoiler Alert: Sherri wasn’t team Kenya.

The next caller referred to Kenya as Kendra and asked her if she was showing off for the Bravo cameras. The caller stated that the other Housewives seem much more real than Moore.

“I am who I am,” Kenya says. “I don’t play to a camera, I don’t play to the audience. You either respond to me or you don’t. I think I can be quite polarizing and, meaning you love me or hate me. Bethenny was like that right? And now she’s worth what $100 million? I really don’t care what your opinion of me is.” - Transcript courtesy of AllThings RH.

It's more than obvious that Sherri and Kenya were not agreeing, so my question to you all is... who' do you agree with? Kenya or Sherri? Tell us in the comment section below!

Watch What Happens Live airs Sunday through Thursday nigths at 11pm/10c on Bravo!

The Real Housewives of Atlanta airs Sunday nighta at 8/7c on Bravo!

Video/Photo Credit: Bravo