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LuAnn de Lesseps: Sonja And Harry Aren't Good For Each Other

Countess LuAnn de Lesseps is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's explosive episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. LuAnn weighs in on the Sonja and Harry situation and shares her thoughts on her confrontation with Sonja over being the last to know about her break up with Jacques. LuAnn writes:

"Hi my friends! We are getting so close to the end of the season and I'm excited about how it ends. Hang in there for some REAL DRAMA! This week the drama continues as Carole is celebrating a big birthday this year and wants it to be perfect!

I understand why Carole was so demanding, because she is a perfectionist with great taste, but needs a little help in the organizational deptartment. And who better than her bestie Heather to get the job done! This was a big year for Carole (if you get my drift), so why shouldn't she get exactly what she wants? I felt bad for Heather, because she needed a team instead of a one man show to pull this off! Heather was wiped out after the party, but so glad she made Carole happy by putting a great event together. Holla!

I know both Harry and Sonja pretty well. I think they are cute together, but definitely not good for each other. They are both good friends, not lovers! That was over ages ago and everyone knows that, since Sonja and Harry both see other people all the time. I think he borrowed that ring from Ramona? A man who is serious about a woman doesn't borrow a ring or leave his girl at a party!

The whole world is in therapy, so why not get therapy for a troubled marriage? Talking and opening up about what bothers you opens up communication. If you can't manage that at home, then therapy is the way to go! I hope they will work it out, because I think they make a great couple. Even though Josh can come off tough on Kristen, he loves her and that is obvious to me!

I thought Aviva was terrific talking to the Boston marathon survivor. Who better than her to talk about loosing a limb. It showed a part of Aviva that I know is there, even though she doesn't always come across that way. The reality is that she is a warm person, who takes excellent care of her children and husband. She's just not great at managing girlfriends. LOL!

How can you not feel bad for any mother who cries in the car while sending her teenager off to college? It's so Ramona drama. Isn't this is the moment in a young girl's life where you need to be the pillar of strength and not fall apart at the seams before you put her on the plane? I understand her sadness, but don't think she handled it very well at all!

I wanted to be there for Carole's birthday, but I literally had to pry myself out of bed. I spent the previous days crying over my split with Jacques and didn't feel much like socializing. I called Carole and told her I'd stay home and she (being the bright girl she is) said that I had to come and get myself out of bed, and she was right. I needed my girlfriends that night and a lot of tequila, of which there was no shortage. I felt terrible being alone without Jacques. We've been together over four years, so I was vulnerable and shaky. When it came time for the song/speech, I was a little too tequila'd up, but we had fun! Unfortunately I had a major hangover the next day!

Speaking of hangovers, I'm sure I wasn't the only one! Surely Sonja had a doozy, because her aggressive reaction about my breakup with Jacques was unbelievable, I'd like to think she was drunk! Who says things like that? It was all about her being hurt to be the last to know. Yet she didn't ask me how I was? What does she expect? She throws me under the bus every chance she gets, so of course she will be the last to know. Honestly, her reaction says it all for me! DONE!

You will see how I handle the situation coming up on the reunion. Until then, enjoy the last episode. I really do have the last laugh."

What do you think about LuAnn’s blog?

The Real Housewives of New York City airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo!

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo